The Punjab government has launched a new program called the Punjab Himmat Card to help poor and needy people in the province. This initiative, started by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, aims to provide financial assistance of 10,500 PKR per month to eligible individuals. The program will begin on 15th September 2024, and it is a part of the Punjab Socio-Economic Registry (PSER) Survey. The goal is to support those living below the poverty line. The government has also reserved 30% of the quota for women, ensuring that they, too, can benefit from this financial aid.
How to Register for the Punjab Himmat Card
If you think you qualify for the Punjab Himmat Card, you can easily register online. The process is simple and straightforward. First, visit the official PSER website. On the website, you need to enter your full name, CNIC number, mobile number, and email address. After filling in these details, you will be asked to create a password. This password will help you log in later to check your application status. Once all information is correctly entered, click on the submit button to complete your registration. This ensures that all eligible people can apply for this much-needed financial help without any hassle.
Eligibility Criteria for Punjab Himmat Card
To get the Punjab Himmat Card, you must meet certain conditions set by the government. First, you need to have a Social Welfare Punjab certification. This document shows that you are eligible for help. Additionally, you should not have a job in either the public or private sector because this program is for those who do not have a regular income. Also, if you have received money recently from other government programs like BISP, Zakat Fund, or Bait ul Maal, you cannot apply for the Himmat Card. Your BISP PMT score should also be below 37. Meeting these conditions is necessary to qualify for this financial aid.
Criteria | Details |
Certification | Must have Social Welfare Punjab certification |
Employment Status | Should not be employed in any sector |
Other Aid | Should not have received recent government aid |
PMT Score | Must be below 37 |
How to Apply from Home for the Punjab Himmat Card
The Punjab government has made it easy for you to apply for the Himmat Card from your home. You can apply in two simple ways. First, you can go online and visit the PSER web portal. This allows you to fill out and submit your application from the comfort of your home. Alternatively, you can call the helpdesk at 0800-02345 to apply over the phone. This is especially useful for people who may not have access to the internet. These options make it convenient for everyone to apply for the Himmat Card, ensuring that no one is left out due to lack of resources or access to technology.
Payment Distribution Phases of the Himmat Card
The payments for the Punjab Himmat Card will be given out in phases to make the process smooth and organized. In the first phase, 40,000 eligible people will receive their Himmat Cards and start getting 10,500 PKR each month starting from 15th September 2024. The Bank of Punjab will issue ATM cards to these people so they can easily withdraw their payments. After the first phase, another 25,000 people will get their cards in the second phase. This phased distribution helps make sure that everyone gets their financial aid without any delays or issues.
The Punjab Himmat Card is a very important step by the government to help poor and needy people in the province. By giving 10,500 PKR every month to eligible individuals, this program will provide significant financial support to thousands of families. The program, launched by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, is designed to be easy to access, with online registration and a helpdesk available for assistance. The phased approach to payment distribution also ensures that the aid reaches those who need it most in an organized manner. This initiative will surely make a big difference in the lives of those struggling to make ends meet.
1. Who can apply for the Punjab Himmat Card?
Anyone who has a Social Welfare Punjab certification, is unemployed, and has a BISP PMT score below 37 can apply for the Punjab Himmat Card.
2. How can I register for the Himmat Card?
You can register online by visiting the PSER website or by calling the helpdesk at 0800-02345.
3. When will the payments start?
The payments will start from 15th September 2024 for those who are eligible.
4. How much money will I receive every month?
Eligible individuals will receive 10,500 PKR each month through the Punjab Himmat Card.